
Signature Grey Ombre Fur Jacket

Signature Grey Ombre Fur Jacket

Our top priority when designing the Signature Ombre Fur Jacket was to keep you comfortably warm while still maintaining a high sense of fashion, even on the coldest of days.

Black Leather Jacket

Black Leather Jacket

A black so dark that the night sky is jealous. Made by the finest and slickest of leather, this jacket will assert your ability to charm anyone you encounter. The cold winds will not be able to penetrate this stylish spring/fall jacket, but will allow you to maintain your dominance on the fashion world.

The Furry Ye

The Furry Ye

Perfect for furry coat lovers, the Furry Ye is made with only the finest synthetic fur. Available in all our stores, it is one of our traditional jackets designed by our founder himself: Trevor McCubbin. March through the snow with your head held high and confidence written all over your jacket.